The Union Square Development project is a transit-oriented development located in Somerville, MA. containing over 2.4M SF of building that features lab, office, housing, retail, and open space. As part of this project, Manafort Transit was contracted by Cranshaw Construction to perform the pile driving, support of excavation, and civil work for a 25 story hi-rise building and the adjoining mid-rise building as well as all work associated with the construction of a new elevator and related structure for MBTA’s new elevator that services their new MBTA Union Square Green Line station adjacent to the project.

The pile driving and civil work involved installation of 187 permanent H-piles and associated load test program, excavation and backfill for building foundations, 131 H-piles and wood lagging for temporary support of excavation systems, contaminated soil remediation, treatment of contaminated groundwater, site utilities including sewer, storm drain, water, electric, telephone, gas, a 38,000 cubic foot precast concrete StormTrap storm water storage system, precast concrete submersible pump station, site lighting, precast concrete retaining walls, granite curbing, asphalt paving, and sidewalk preparation.

The MBTA elevator work involved the construction of a new standalone elevator building with an elevator that travels from Prospect Street to the MBTA Green Line Union Square Station. Work included rammed aggregate pier ground improvements, cast in place concrete, reinforcing steel, structural steel, aluminum storefront window system, plumbing, HVAC, electrical, roofing, cold metal framing, light gauge metal panels, waterproofing, painting, signage, and the complete elevator system.
Manafort Transit self-performed the majority of the work and acted as the general contractor for the MBTA elevator portion of the project.