Manafort Brothers Incorporated was selected to perform the Architectural and Structural Concrete work for the Renovation and Expansion of the Yale University – Morse Ezra Stiles College in New Haven, CT.  The project included a complete renovation of the existing 260,000 sf college as well as a 25,000 sf below grade expansion.  The spaces included a 500 bed residential hall, dining halls, libraries, lounges, fitness and dance rooms, art and music studios, theater, and outdoor gathering spaces.  The original college was built of rubble masonry in 1961with buildings and a tower in the style of pre-Gothic Tuscan towers such as those that still exist in the medieval Italian hill town of San Gimigiano. 

At the time of their opening, they were regarded as architectural marvels.  Unfortunately, over time, student dissatisfaction grew and an extensive renovation and expansion was planned to preserve and improve upon the original design.  Kieran Timberlake Architects worked with Yale University to achieve this goal.  Kieran Timberlake described their work on the project as surgical, strategic, and subtle.  In addition to the over 6000 cy of structural concrete required to support the new and renovated structures, approximately 50,000 sf of exposed architectural concrete surfaces were also widely incorporated into the design to blend the new with the old.  Manafort worked extensively with Yale University and Kieran Timberlake to successfully construct their vision.  Since the finished concrete surfaces were such a substantial feature of both the new interior and exterior space, every concrete placement was meticulously designed, planned, and executed to achieve the high architectural finish standards required by the Project Owner, Team, and the Architect themselves.   All concrete placements were successfully completed to the satisfaction of all parties involved contributing to the highly successful completion of this award winning project.


The Bedford Square Project in Westport, CT is a 115,000 sf Mixed Use Development constructed on a tight urban site in the heart of downtown Westport. The project included 26 Apartments, two floors of Retail space, a concrete Parking Garage, and renovation of the original 40,000 sf Bedford Building.

Manafort Brothers Incorporated was contracted to perform all Civil & Utility as well as Concrete work associated with the project. One of the major project challenges included extensive shoring and support of excavation due to its close proximity to the adjacent buildings and roadways with the balance of the scope of work including demolition, excavation, utility, concrete foundation, concrete superstructure, concrete slab, and site finish work.

Manafort self performed nearly all of it’s scope of work while also working closely with the entire project team under a very aggressive project schedule to coordinate and support a safe, successful, and on time completion of this development project.


Manafort Brothers Incorporated was selected to perform Foundation and Structural Concrete work for the New Residential Colleges, Pauli Murray and Benjamin Franklin, at Yale University in New Haven, CT. These Collegiate Gothic structures encompassing approximately 530,000 sf and housing 800 students were designed by Robert A.M. Stern Architects with the intent of carrying forward the spirit of Yale’s existing residential colleges.

The buildings Architecture combined with the non rectangular property footprint resulted in a Cast in Place Concrete Building with many angular and very little repetitive features.

Manafort’s work required approximately 20,000 cy of concrete and 2000 tons of reinforcing steel and Manafort worked extensively with Yale University and the Project Construction and Design Teams to successfully construct their vision.

Manafort self-performed all of it’s scope of work while also working closely with the entire project team under a very aggressive project schedule to coordinate and support a safe, successful, and on time completion of this very challenging project.


Manafort Brothers Incorporated was selected as the Design Build Contractor by the City of New Haven for the Downtown Crossing Phase 3 project in New Haven, CT. This project was the City’s first design-build project and it required an accelerated schedule allowing only six months to complete a Release for Construction Design to support a twenty-week closure duration for the complete reconstruction of South Frontage Road and Congress Avenue.

The project scope included all required design, including extensive maintenance of traffic measures, extensive road reconfiguration and reconstruction of South Frontage Road, Congress Avenue, and the Service Drives to the Air Rights Garage, accommodations for future planned bridge structures, new utility installation, relocation of existing utilities, permanent sheeting retaining walls, new southern concrete substructure for the future Temple Street Bridge, Rammed Aggregate Pier ground improvements for the future northern substructure of the future Temple Street Bridge, traffic and pedestrian signalization of the South Frontage Road and Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard intersections, new street lighting, signage, and line striping.

This detailed urban roadway design build project required extensive and regular coordination with the City of New Haven and the two separate major ongoing building construction projects directly adjacent to the Downtown Crossing project. The Manafort Design Build Team was able to complete the design to commence construction in the allotted closure period. As part of this process, Manafort and the City of New Haven worked as a team to successfully navigate through Right of Way, Utility, and 3rd party needs, while resequencing and accelerating certain activities to keep the project on schedule. Despite the many challenges, Manafort was able to successfully deliver the project under budget and 46 days ahead of schedule. This project is a great example of what can be accomplished when all major stakeholders work and collaborate in true partnership form.