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Valium, or diazepam, is widely used to treat anxiety, muscle spasm, and epilepsy. There are global regulations governing its prescription and usage. This article looks into the validity of these prescriptions in the UAE, contraindications for them as well as prescribing information for Valium and how to get Valium online.

Diazepam Prescription Validity in UAE

In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), stringent regulations control prescription of controlled drugs such as diazepam. Diazepam falls under schedule IV class of controlled substances due to its potential for abuse and dependence. The following are some highlights about its prescription validity in the UAE:

Prescription Requirements:

Licensed Medical Practitioner: In the UAE, only certified medical practitioners have the right to prescribe diazepam.

Specific Indications: These drugs should be prescribed on specific indications such as anxiety disorders, muscle spasms or specific forms of epilepsy.

Duration of Validity: Usually a diazepam prescription can only last up to one month.

Pharmacy Regulations: Pharmacies need to maintain careful records on all dispensed controlled medicines and may not dispense diazepams without a valid prescription.

Table: Prescription Requirements for Diazepam in UAE

Licensed Medical PractitionerMust be prescribed by a licensed doctor in the UAE.
Specific IndicationsAnxiety, muscle spasms, epilepsy.
Duration of ValidityGenerally valid for up to one month.
Pharmacy RegulationsDetailed records must be maintained; only dispensed with a valid prescription.

Valium Contraindications Medication

Contraindications are exceptions that must be taken into account before prescribing any medication including Valium. They refer to conditions or factors that would cause harm if certain medical treatment is administered to a patient.

Major Contraindications:

Allergy to Diazepam: Valium should not be taken by patients known to have diazepam or any benzodiazepine allergies.

Severe Respiratory Insufficiency: The drug can suppress the respiratory system, so it is discouraged for persons with serious breathing disorders.

Sleep Apnea Syndrome: This condition can be worsened by such medications as Valium.

Severe Liver Impairment: Metabolized in the liver, severe liver disease leads to its accumulation and toxicity.

Myasthenia Gravis: Valium may exacerbate this autoimmune disease of muscle weakness.

Table: Major Contraindications for Valium

Allergy to DiazepamRisk of severe allergic reaction.
Severe Respiratory InsufficiencyRisk of respiratory depression.
Sleep Apnea SyndromeExacerbation of symptoms.
Severe Liver ImpairmentRisk of accumulation and toxicity.
Myasthenia GravisWorsening of muscle weakness.

Valium Prescribing Information

When prescribing valium medical professionals are obliged to take into consideration the correct dosage, method administration and possible side effects that might arise as a result of taking this medication. Here is a complete guide on how one can prescribe Valium:

Dosage and Administration

Anxiety Disorders-2mg-10mg, 2-4 times daily is usually prescribed.

Muscle Spasms- 2mg-10 mg three or four times daily

Seizure Disorders – 2mg—1 gm about two or four times a day

Administration Routes

Oral-tabs or liquid form

Intramuscular (IM) or Intravenous (IV)-for acute cases requiring immediate action.

Potential Side Effects

Common: drowsiness, tiredness, muscle weakness.

  1. Serious: Respiratory depression, severe allergic reactions, dependence, and withdrawal symptoms.

Table: Valium Dosage and Administration

IndicationDosage Range (mg)Frequency
Anxiety Disorders2 to 10 mg2 to 4 times daily
Muscle Spasms2 to 10 mg3 to 4 times daily
Seizure Disorders2 to 10 mg2 to 4 times daily

Best Valium Online

Online purchase of Valium could be unsafe because there are many fake drugs available in the market today. Here are some steps that can help you buy safely:

Tips for Buying Valium Online

  1. Verify Pharmacy Legitimacy: Ensure the online pharmacy is licensed and verified by regulatory authorities.
  2. Prescription Requirement: A legitimate online pharmacy will always require a valid prescription.
  3. Check Reviews and Ratings: Look for customer reviews and ratings to gauge the reliability of the pharmacy.
  4. Secure Payment Methods: Use secure and traceable payment methods.

External Resources for Safe Online Purchase

Table: Guidelines for Buying Valium Online

Verify Pharmacy LegitimacyCheck for licensing and regulatory verification.
Prescription RequirementEnsure the pharmacy requires a valid prescription.
Check Reviews and RatingsLook for customer feedback and ratings.
Secure Payment MethodsUse secure, traceable payment options.


The UAE has specific regulations that govern the prescription and use of Diazepam, also known as Valium. This implies that it is important for healthcare practitioners and patients to comprehend its contraindications, correct prescribing information, as well as safe internet purchase. Always consult with a healthcare professional before using Valium and ensure that any purchase of the medication is from a reputable source.

By following them in strict sense, patients will consequently be able to get the benefits of diazepam’s therapeutic effects while minimizing the risks associated with diazepam use.